Saturday, June 20, 2009

SHMILY discovery

You may (or may not) notice that I added a new link to my blog list, Dandelion Seeds. I discovered this blog after being invited on Facebook to join someone in S.H.M.I.L.Y. for a month.

"???" thought I.

What does that acronym stand for? Is it illegal, immoral or expensive?
I'm sure YOU already know and have probably known for years but I had to investigate.

I found a sweet story about grandparents who drenched their life with this word & passed along that lovie-ness to their grandkids who shared with the online world:


I added the blog link because it is a good'un but specifically for S.H.M.I.L.Y. FOR 30 DAYS OF PRAYER which is utilizing Stormie OMartian's "The Power of a Praying Wife" to help wives practice SHMILY (verb-ally would that be SHMILYing?) on their husbands by providing a number of daily challenges on the blog sidebar.

I just found it today so am just gettin' started. I'll have to check that book out of the library before someone else grabs it.

Anyone else SHMILLYing?

1 comment:

Michele said...

I love "SHMILY". I found it in a James Dobson devotional book for husband/wife and this is what they were talking about. Eric and I will leave notes like this around. Thanks for sharing it :)