Receiving this booklet gives me pause to consider where I have filed all those receipts and urges me to bring together all the loose pieces into one cohesive taxing pile: A year in review.
Since we've been together on this blog journey for awhile already, I'll not bore you with a month-by-month highlights. Here's some of the parts I'll remember from this last year & some of the plans for the next:
Hopefully she'll be available to make the next trip so we can start introducing her to more family. What a blessing they are. I don't think they'll scare her. Much. :-)
Sadly, we failed with 5 baby fliers. I think I figured out the problem though & hope for another opportunity. These are supposed to make good pets & you know we could use some more critters around here.
Current pet count: 1 dog, 3 cats, 4 snakes, 1 tarantula, 2 parakeets, 1 hamster (missing one leg - if found, you can have it). Rachel's 2 turtles went to live with a couple of little boys for Christmas.
Rachel left elementary school behind. We are finished with VBS, AWANA and Children's Choir - at least as active participants. She is faring well in youth, completing her first overnighter to Orlando a couple of weeks ago. She decided to take an online Spanish class but is having a hard time with it. Your prayers are appreciated!
Caleb has entered High School - still homeschooling but now all those credits count & community service hours need to be recorded & tallied. He's close to being finished with 1 of 2 online classes. I've told him that he can take the drug class required for getting a learners license once he's finished it. The other one is Spanish. He'd appreciate your prayers too!
Andrew is a senior. This year he bought a car and got his driver's license. More hours in my day! Now graduation quickly approaches & scholarship applications need to be filled-out. With the dual enrollment hours, I expect him to have his associates by this time next year. I think it's so cool that he made the dean's list while a high school junior last spring. :-) Good grades this semester too. He's signed up for 4 classes which begin Tuesday. Jacob will be in two with him.
Jacob made the dean's list both semesters this year. WOOHOO! He needs 3 hours to get his Associates but is taking 6.
You know his other big news. :-)
Maryn is teaching private art lessons and selling some of her works or prints. Even did a commissioned piece that you can see & read about here. Alice was so excited about that Christmas gift for her daughter that she couldn't wait until Christmas to give it to her! :-)
J & A are still working at Ace. Kelly eyeballs Caleb when he visits the store but since he's only 15 it will be awhile before he submits an application. Wait - he turns 16 later this year!
Caleb & Rachel rode horses together at Ms. Cindy's for a year. Caleb stopped in August or September and now does Boy Scouts.
Rachel is still enjoying riding plus volunteers at the horse ranch on Thursdays.
After 20 years on second shift, Stan and the rest of his co-workers were place on first ("I'm not askin' ya who's on first!") and it appears will be for the foreseeable future since second shift was discontinued in the shop where he works. He is thankful to have a job, for lower gas prices, and for our new, larger bed - he says I sleep in the middle but I don't. I actually could now & there'd still be room for him & 3 of the kids on the other side.
It is funny to roll a tennis ball & watch Molly skid/slide/try to get some traction to chase it down. No, we don't run her into the walls on purpose. She does that fine by herself.
I'm still having a ball doing the stuff I've been doing. No big changes. God is good. All the time.
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