Stan & I hit a milestone in March > 25 years of marriage. That's a journey of thousands of miles that begins with an "I do." :-)
So, in celebration we decided to do something different.
(It helped a lot that Caleb happened to win a cruise just when we were trying to decide what different/special/monumental thing we could afford do.) Then in early August, we did it.

I was relieved to see this as we were signing in. After all, everyone hears about how a cruise is like living at a 24 hour buffet Now I could be sure that I'd get some exercise...

There were a number of these signs posted over the area where all our important papers were perused. Stan convinced me not to photograph them all which is why I can't share all that light touristy wisdom with you. Feel free to thank him when you see him. :-)

We are boarding the ship!
"Would I get sea sick? What did our room look like? Did each room have its own bathroom? Would I get sea sick? Would we meet some nice people? Did I bring appropriate clothes? Would I get sea sick? What else do we have to pay for? Will Stan be let back into the country since we didn't have time to get his passport? I sure hope I don't get sea sick."
Those of you who do the cruise thing on a regular basis are probably laughing at my insecurity and questions but really, didn't you wonder at least SOME of those things before your first trip?

First thing scheduled upon boarding, several hours before the rooms were ready?
All was good.
Still wondering if we get our own bathroom...