Friday, January 22, 2010

Wet Weather

Yesterday, according to our rain gauge, we received approximately 6 inches of rain!

When I got home from BSF just after 2 p.m., it was coming down so hard that I took off my socks & tennies, rolled up my jean legs, left all my stuff inside Mini & waded to the house. Since I was already drenched (Drenched, I say!) I took the opportunity to clear leaves so the water would flow off of the parking slab then dashed indoors.

Crashing & booming = unplugging of the pcs but here we are safely online today. :-)

The dug-out runoff, gutters and drain mesh all filled up with more leaves and began overflowing so the foyer flooded but only for a little while and we had towels at the ready. The spot on the roof that leaks when the wind blows hard in just the right direction was hit by wind and rain in just the right direction so we had water dripping from above awa spilling in under the door but we, like true scouts, were prepared for that also.

The driveway is rutted and washed out. I've heard the dirt road is rough in places.

Am I down about all this wetness? Oh, no!
The sun is shining today and once again we have an island actually surrounded by WATER. Oh, yea!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Training a Leader

Three of us completed half of the AHG leader training last night complete with questions, discussion, jokes, a tiny bit of calendar work, delicious hot teas (honey or sugar?), cheese & crackers and bite sized Reeses cups.

What I learned:

There is something called a Joining Award Leader Resource Packet that we've never seen.

Our troop really needs a shepherd.
Our Charter Organization is supposed to provide one.
A shepherd prays with & gets to know the girls plus provides spiritual leadership for the leaders and moms.

Leaders are only supposed to hold a position for no longer than three years. That can be a good thing. Rachel has 4 more years after this one. Time is fleeting!

Cows frolic. Yes, that did come up during the meeting. No, you really don't want to know.

AHG has its own official polo shirts that are muy expensive (who pays $25 for a polo?) required uniform attire but are not available for sale at convention & charges outrageous shipping & handling. Hm.

Stars & Stripes Award has a required one hundred hour community service project that must be completed by age 18.

The AHG Creed is based on the 10 Commandments. I still haven't figured out which goes with which commandment (not that I've pondered for very long...): An American Heritage Girl is compassionate, helpful, honest, loyal, perseverent, pure, resourceful, respectful, responsible, reverent.

1. Only worship God.
2. No idols.
3. No misusing God's Name.
4. Keep the Sabbath holy.
5. Honor your parents.
6. Do not murder.
7. Do not commit adultery.
8. Do not steal.
9. Do not lie.
10. Do not covet.

Which would you put together?

We plan to finish our training next week. Same bat time & place although the snacks may vary.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Incredible Jump Rope Dancing

Got this link from the guy I used to work for at the Rodeo selling hat pins & belt buckles. He once paid me with a hundred dollar bill then asked me if I was going to frame it. Cool idea.

NO WAY! I was spending that puppy.

Anyhow, about this link: The jump-roping group is called Kings Firecrackers. It was taped during half-time at an Army/Navy Basketball Game in Ohio - part of the fun was seeing how the crowd enjoyed the show.

I'd like to see you try jumping rope like this. Go ahead. Pick a song you like & hop away.

I know you could do it. :-)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


At least that's the plan.

I've told some friends that my brain is tired. It had some nice R & R in AL visitin' with my mama. Now it's just a bit chilly. Are temps in FL supposed to get below freezing? :-)

Happy 2010. God bless the USA.