I liked the charts showing the difficulty level of the labeled climbs - not that I was doing any climbing. This time.
I learned how put on a waist harness & to tie the special knots - double figure eight & the circle round twice & thread the hole to make an X thingie. Mebbe I could be a Boy Scout now? :-)
I also learned terminology like on belay& belay on plus how to properly keep slack out of the climbers rope, how to brake and how to let them down. Fast can be fun. :-)
Kings of the rock mountain: Caleb, Joel, Mitchell, John & Keifer.
Jacob climbs around a corner while Maryn watches. Matthew is belaying for Andrew.
Andrew & Matthew race up the beginner wall while Stan & I belay.
Rachel skurries up the wall like a squirrel with Dad holding her safety rope.
Jared & Mitchell kept up a running dialogue: "Don't make me laugh. You made me fall!" "You can climb higher than that. I'm not letting you down until you go higher" "You have to climb as high as I can climb. See if you can beat me."
Back row: John, Caleb, Robert, Joel
Middle: Rachel, Mitchell, Andrew, Matthew
Front: Jared, Keifer, Maryn peeking over Jacob's shoulder - how sweet.
Disembarking at Cici's Pizza, everyone was ready for the pizza eating contest.
Andrew to Joel: "You can't stop at 29! You must eat just one more piece so you can say you ate 30!"
Joel later in the Beast: "Stop! When I laugh my stomach hurts!"
After having a big salad for dessert (I'll mention no names, Matthew), the last passenger was ready to re-board. We did stop at a Wallyworld to break-up the return drive a bit. Pizza
On the way home, we had the "adventure". When we were on a lonely patch of highway and 4/5 of the cell phones along for the ride had no signal, the Beast lost a belt. My dear hubby had already purchased a new belt which was in the back - we've dealt with this problem before - but had removed his tool box since we don't drive the Beast much anymore > costs too much to feed.
"Look Martha! There's some poor short-armed handicapped youngin's thet think they can fly. Mebbe we should offer them a lift or just toss money."
"No, Herby! It's aliens! I know! I saw critters thet looked jest like thet one night on the X Files!"
Whatever they thought, no one stopped.
We didn't get everyone home when we expected but didn't have to camp along side the swamp. PTL!
Rock climbing & pizza with your friends? FUN!
An adventure you'll remember for years that will grow with the telling? PRICELESS!
Actually, Matthew is belaying for me (Jacob) in the pic with a headless Andrew. And I like the way that you narrate the entire night so.... humorously. :) KUDOS!!!!
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