>Yes. There is a photo of Jacob in a dress at the end. The guys were trying them on somewhere for some reason, Maryn has photos on her FB page - I have NO IDEA what was going on so don't ask.
"June 24
Today I was really stressed out because I hadn't been to the hazard senior center before and I had no directions and we were supposed to play a game I didn't know how to play.....ugh. We ended up playing bingo and I found my way really easily! (photo: me calling out the bingo today in hazard at the senior center.) I played their grand piano too.
Then we went to the veterans center and went to the Alzheimer's unit and visited the man Anslin that I visited last week. He saw me and his face lit up so much I wanted to cry! He was so happy to see me! He said he'd been thinking about me every day! I was like awwwwwww! Amanda was with me and she started crying. I didn't get to spend much time with him though.
Its been a great day!!!! love you all!!"
Big Creek site post:
"Wal-Mart Expeditions, Roofing, and Jesus
posted June 24 8 p.m. by Volunteer Editor
Today many wonderful activities occurred with our groups here at Big Creek. I was personally able to ride with Tony, our wonderful video and technology guy to see our construction groups at Mudlick Road, Cutsin senior center, and Hyden daycamp.
In James 1:27 the Bible says "Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world." Today at one of our construction sites, the guys in Jacob's group were roofing and working on other much needed projects at a widow's home. Not only did these guys do a great job today, they shared the love of Jesus with a woman who recently lost her husband. Also, it should be noted that her dog doesn't love guys...so they even got to experience alot of barking. Anyway, it was such a beautiful thing to see young men serving Jesus and helping a fellow believer. They are heading back tomorrow to finish up a ditch digging project. Wow.
Cutsin Senior Center was full of excitement from checkers to chicken livers for lunch. Ben's group did a great job just "going with the flow" and fellowshipping with the elderly there!
Hyden daycamp continues to draw more local children in & spread the love and hope of Jesus. Today the local food program, LKLP made some delicious burgers for the kids to eat! They also worked on some phoenetics homework & enjoyed crafts.
Maryn's community group spent time with the Veteran's of Kentucky while taking them shopping to Wal-Mart. It was really awesome to see community students getting to know these veterans and helping them with their shopping tasks. One chaperone shared that her vet was busy looking for the best hits of Johnny Cash while others needed simple supplies! What a great way to serve!~
Tomorrow night we are planning time for the groups to attend Bluegrass night at Hyden!"
But that pink?
So his color.
Here's one more update post frome the Big Creek Missions site:
Half-Way Through A Great Week
posted Jun 23, 2009 9:26 PM by Volunteer Editor Hello friends, supporters, and fans of Big Creek Mission!
Week 4 is amazing already! Groups from community have helped around the mission...from preparing food with the kitchen gals to keeping everything nice and clean, we appreciate ALL of their hardwork!
Tomorrow Maryn's group is planning to go to Hazard to the Kentucky Veterans Home. This home is such a great opportunity for our students to minister and love on those who have served our country. From pool to bingo, students connect with our former military, encourage them and get to share Jesus with them! Ben's group headed out to God's Closet today, a special local ministry for those in need. God's Closet is run by a minister's wife over in Manchester. Weekly we send our students to assist her in pricing donations and aiding those who need assistance in the local community. Community students were able to assist the janitorial staff at Leslie County High School today. These kind acts are a great way to share Jesus-in all places!
From reports this evening, construction is putting several roofs on this week. In Turkey Foot, Adam's team is making excellent success-great job guys!
Mudlick daycamps are underway with a great team who is dedicated to working on our new exciting project! Students enjoyed hotdogs for lunch there with lots of great fellowship. Please pray for our daycamps to continue to reach out to our children in the hollows of Kentucky.
Manchester and Hyden daycamps enjoyed the local free pool days today. Heading to the pool for a day of splashing, laughter, and fun in the sun allows our volunteers to get great interaction with the students from daycamp-what an awesome opportunity!
God is working here in Appalachia. Thank you so much for your love, prayers, and support!
yeah, well that was different - lol! only jacob!
Actually, it looked like a number of the staff guys were donning dresses (note they are over their clothes). Made me wonder if it was for some skit.
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